Wednesday 25 May 2016

US Intelligence Veterans Urge Fast Report on Hillary Clinton’s Emails NSA FBI Have Enough Evidence.

Last Wednesday Robert Gates CIA Director under President Bush 41 and Defense secretary under President Bush 43 publicly commented that Secretary Hillary Clinton’s whole email thing is really a concern in terms of her judgment. I don’t know what in fact prompted her think that was a best idea.

What actually prompted her does not matter ?  As your Secretary of State and your subsidiary. she will fully infringement laws designed to protect classified information from unauthorized discovery. It may be to some extend difficult for those not as overwhelmed in national security transactions as we have been to appreciate the seriousness of the offense, including the harm done in compromise some of most sensitive U.S. programs.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

If you select  instead to give precedence to politics over national security.  The American people will be lose of timely appreciation of gravity of harm done , national security officials who do follow the rules will be Angry FBI investigators will conclude their jobs is more political than professional and the noxious impression will grow that powerful people cannot be held accountable when they break the law. Worse if the results of the FBI investigation remain under lock and key, dangerous pressures are likely to be exerted on the most senior U.S official by those who have the key as we explain below.

We the undersigned Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity have spent 400 years working with classified information up to and including TOP SECRET  Code word  and Special Access Programs. Given that experience we believe that much of the commentary on the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton email controversy has been misplaced, focusing on extraneous issues having little or nothing to do with the overriding imperative to protect classified information.


Last August Secretary Clinton handed over her private email server to the FBI  five months after she recognition she had used it for related worked emails as Secretary of State. She admitted to having deleted about 31,000 emails she mentioned as personal. Media reports last fall, nevertheless, that the FBI was able to recover the personal emails and was reviewing them the 30,000 others.

In January, the Department of State announced that of the 30,000 related work emails. At least 1,340 contained classified material. The Department history classified 22 of top secret and prevented their release. except the 22 were some according to media reports  added information on much more sensitive Special Access Programs (SAP).

Another claim forth from your White House is that Clinton was perfunctory in managing her emails and has admitted as much but she has not damaged American national security. She has called it a mistake but security officials of the National Security Agency clearly forewarned her against offenders basic laws and regulations designed to stop compromise of classified information.

NSA, FBI Have Enough Evidence :-
Indeed , enough time has passed, and enough material has been reviewed, to permit a beginner damage assessment. The NSA has the necessary information and should by now have shared that information with the FBI. Secretary Clinton’s server in her house in Chappaqua, New York, was not a reserved device. It also added the clinton server identity it was easy for a hacker to spot.

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